New Mexico Green Chile for Breakfast- Christina Strong Photography

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Hello and welcome to my first entry. My intentions for this blog is to create spectacular photos and tasty food that looks good, tastes good and is just plain good. So I am starting off with a bang with the only way to eat green chile. My creation and take on green chile. In 2007 I move from Virginia to Denver Colorado, and all the gossip was about green chile. What is green chile I asked? Back home chile was chile. Yeah that red stuff with beans, meat and tomato sauce. Yeah that is chile. That was until I moved to Colorado. My now husband Steve, is a huge fan and although I can cook, I didn't have a clue what green chile was, what was in it or how to make it. So my journey began. I made it several times and thought, this stuff is terrible. Maybe it was because I was hard headed and insisted on not following a recipe. Finally a friend of mine made it and it was incredible and she included a recipe. Too bad that recipe lasted for one batch before I lost it and I finally created my own home recipe of green chile aka: green chile stew. You can find a recipe for this stew @ and although you can find tons of these recipes, I am not willing to share mine but I am willing to share the style in which I eat it. This is requested from my family several times a year aka: all the time. Pictures of how I make my own creation are as followed:
Fry some diced potatoes. I add a few chucks of onion. It takes a while to make potatoes so give yourself at least 20 min. And when the potatoes are done, fry a few eggs according to your liking. I fry mine in butter or olive oil.
So when your potatoes are finished, add them to the plate, followed by fried eggs, green chile and finally cheese. Although I didn't have any, I like avocado on top and sometimes cilantro to make it pretty. Tada, my take on green chile. Yum!!!